Inflammation and stress are directly linked. More stress = more inflammation which then can lead to prolonged fatigue, also known as adrenal fatigue, or other chronic health problems. While medical protocols typically suggest changes to diet and weight loss, there is one major cause of inflammation in the body, and I bet you can easily guess what it is because it’s actually already been said…
When stress becomes chronic, and our bodies have a prolonged inflammatory response, it becomes difficult for our bodies to return to the baseline. At that point, stress becomes increasingly problematic for our health, which is why so many people say too much stress is bad for you. Because it can actually cause life-threatening health problems and even death.
However, we can break this down even further. Medical experts say that one of the most underrated reasons for inflammation in the body is social rejection. Social rejection is something nearly every single person living on Earth has experienced, whether it was rejection from a friend, a significant other, or otherwise. While the brain can typically recover from that trauma and rationalize it for the future, sometimes someone may become expectant of that rejection, and the trauma response now becomes a chronic problem.
Those stress signals and inflammation of fight-or-flight then becomes a ‘normal part of everyday life for that individual who faces the fear of social rejection, and their health begins to slowly decline. See how it all ties together?
It’s true that not being accepted by your true and authentic self can be traumatic and incredibly hurtful, to the point where you EXPECT people to reject you. However, this is something that many, if not all, people deal with at some point in their lives, and we can’t let it affect us in such a way that is so damaging to our health long-term.
It’s helpful to engage in relaxing and stress-relieving activities such as yoga, exercising, talking with a friend, or even taking a hot bath. Developing those healthy stress relief methods can help you to cope with the stresses of everyday life, including social rejection.
Are you feeling stressed, tired or inflamed? I’m a holistic health coach who specializes in helping people get their health back on track. If you are struggling with any of these issues, book your free wellness consultation today! I’d love to help you create a path forward that will help you get your health back into an optimal state of well-being.