Stress management during the holidays

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  • Stress management during the holidays
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When you’re stressed to the max like this, your health can be affected negatively. For One, you might be depriving yourself of sleep because you have too many things going On in your life. You might be staying up late and waking up early so you can squeeze Everything in. Maybe you’re missing out on that important downtime we all need. Stress can lead to a plethora of health issues, including headaches, heartburn, rapid Breathing, pounding heartrate, insomnia, weakened immune system, high blood Pressure, and more. This leaves you feeling awful physically in addition to feeling awful Mentally. Plus, you should be able to enjoy the holidays and all the special time you get to spend With your loved ones. You shouldn’t have to spend the holidays freaking out about all There is to do. That’s not fun for anyone. To preserve your sanity and your health, use these 12 tips to make the holiday season More enjoyable.